Saturday, June 16, 2007

On My Mind, Out of My Heart

I want to take advantage of the opportunity to say thanks to the "Dads" in my life. I don't think I really appreciated the blessing of having strong Christian men in my life until I had sons. We live in society where good male leadership is becoming extinct. I am so thankful that I have three wonderful men to be examples to my boys.

My Dad is one of my greatest heroes. He was raised in a broken home, his parents divorced when he was in his early teen years. His father was an alcoholic the entire time my father was growing up. He finished high school and enlisted in the Navy. During this time he also turned to alcohol to fill his emptiness. After his discharge he went back home to LA. He was working delivering groceries when my Mom saw him walking down the street. They had gone to school at the same time, but were several grades apart and did not really know each other. She told her friend that she was shopping with "there's the man I'm going to marry". Of course her friend thought she was nuts since his reputation was well known. She went over and invited him to revival services that night, and he accepted. I know that it doesn't always work this way, but sometimes God shows his power in more miraculous ways than others. The evangelist, Donald Cassidy, asked my Dad if he wanted to get saved, my Dad said "yes" went to the altar and it was done. He has never looked back, from that night on he has never taken another drink of alcohol. I am so thankful that he broke the cycle that had prevailed in his life, and gave me a start of creating a whole new cycle. He loves my boys dearly, and I love that they have such a wonderful man to call Paw Paw.

I think sometimes that father-in-laws get overlooked, I certainly do not want to let mine feel unappreciated. I thank him so much for raising the wonderful son that I now call my husband, I know that it was largely due his prayers and example that Harold is the man that he is today. He is not a man of many words, but when he speaks it is always with patience and wisdom. His unfailing love for his children and grandchildren is evident by the respect they give him. He is another one of those people that I have never seen lose their cool when faced with a difficult situation. I've never seen him get angry even when there are little boys hanging all over him. I am very proud that he is my boys Pa Paw.

Someone recently said "how easy it is to fall more deeply in love with a man that you have watched change a dirty diaper or wrestle on the floor with his children". This is definitely true.
I am so blessed to have a husband that is not afraid to give baths or take care of infant all night while I work. I believe that the extent to which a Dad is willing to get involved in the everyday care of his children greatly effects the way those children turn out. This is even more important when you have boys. People usually blame psychological issues on their mothers, but sin issues are usually blamed on the father. Homosexuality and pornographic issues could be avoided if we had more men willing to be the leaders and examples to their sons that they should be. Harold is the "father figure" that I always dreamed my children would have. Nothing moves him more than his sons. Nothing can make him laugh or cry like his boys. He was gone overnight to Haiti last night and no one could have been missed more. They kept asking me "if Dad were coming home tonight would it be time for him yet". Thanks for being the "best Dad a boy could ask for" and "the best husband I could have ever asked for".


Kimberly said...

Preach on Kayla! so sweet! And I know that your Dad while full of fun and games is also a steady, predictable man of honor...and i love him too!

Phillip D said...

That was VERY sweet Kayla! I did not know that story behind your Daddy. How SAD at first, but HOW HAPPY AND WHAT A MIRACLE that he got saved, and his life was transformed from then on!! Praise God!
Don't know your Father-in-law, but I'm sure he's a good man, for he's raised a good son in Harold.
I'm sooo happy for the good man that God gave you. Isn't it wonderful to have good men that are great husbands and fathers?!!
Have a wonderful weekend, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog!
Love, Heather =)

Tara said...

Kayla, I have known your husband and pa-in-law most of my life. I am witness to the fact that they are indeed good and great men. I have no doubt that your union with Harold was definitely one of the "meant to be" cases. I'm glad you found each other! And I'm also glad that I've had the privilege to know your gracious and sweet Dad as well. How patient of a man to let us boisterous girls descend on his quiet home so many times. When I was living alone between my dorm days and marriage, your dad was one of the men I knew I could count on if I needed 'fatherly' type help. Go Mr. Woodie!

Betty said...

A wonderful tribute to 3 wonderful men. Hope they all have a great day!

jenny said...

Really well written, Kayla. I, too, had no idea the story of your Dad's early years. The part about your Mom seeing him and knowing that was who she would marry is "Hallmark" material. Then, the revival service where he had such a marked what a testimony to God's love and grace!

Kimberly said...

I failed to say "kuddos" to Harold for all the beautiful care he gives you and the boys...i appreciate it as your friend, and he is WAY above average our Dad's:)
btw, the parents watched Dylan's dedication before heading to chuch this technology!

carla said...

Great tribute Kayla since two of the men are very close to me. I am thrilled to see the man my brother has become. I am so proud of him. I am thankful as well for the great wife God has seen fit to bless my brother with. Then of course there is my dad, he is of course human but is the greatest role model I can think of. I know when he gets to Heaven he'll have to tote his halo around in a wagon it will be so big. I am also very thankful that my son has had the privilege of knowing his papaw.

Misty said...

That is a great tribute!! Thanks for sharing! I thought it was very special you had Dylan's dedication on Father's Day....the couple in front of me were counting and she said, "they have 4 boys???" :-)

Julia said...

I like Harold, I don't really know Harold's dad, but he seems nice. BUT I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MR. WOODY!! :)

Phillip D said...

Happy Fathers Day to a great dad, Harold.
My wife is really enjoying her machine. Thanks.


MELODY said...

I love the pictures of the baby and his brothers. I can't wait to see them. Hunter and Lucas are trying to get plenty of rest now so they can keep up with your three in July.
All problems fixed on my Blog now so I will be adding to mine again. Tell your mom more pictures are going to be on there real soon.
Tell Uncle Woody I said happy Fathers day and Harold too.

The Dickinsons said...

Kayla, just posted a post of what the girls and I sewed up this past week! We had a lot of fun, using my new machine! Thanks again bunches!!

Hope you are well...we have been having internet I have not been able to read blogs, or email for several days. =(

Love, Heather =)

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.

Kelly S said...

This was so well said Kayla. I had the privilege of getting to know Harold's and your dad just a little bit. I quickly learned to appreciate them both. Harold's dad was quiet but very kind. Your dad is a sweetheart. Like Tara, I remember on some hot days, intruding on your parents and they were so gracious to let us girls pile in and cool off and rest. - They even let us take naps. Was so much nicer than a nap in the dorm!