Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Two Year Old and The Man

While we were in LA my baby officially hit the Terrible Two's, actually I think he was already there. We had already celebrated in FL on the same night as Landon's birthday, so a huge party was not required. Kimberly suggested a local Mexican restaurant where the birthday boy could where a Sombrero and be sung to in Spanish. A few faithful relatives joined us for the occasion. Unfortunately my camera card was full when he actually had the hat on, but here's a picture of me and Dylan before. As you can see he was very happy about the whole affair.
Later on that evening we had a fish fry with Dylan's cookie cake as the dessert. He had a hard time sharing.

On that same day Harold took Ethan fishing with the "men". My cousin Stevie took Harold, Philip, and Ethan on a grand expedition of a fishing trip.
A few months ago my oldest son had to start wearing deodorant. Very sad, but true. Collin was a little jealous over this milestone in the life of his older brother. I tried to explain to him that it is part of the process of a boy becoming a man. As soon as he heard the word "man" he took of yelling frantically "Ethan, Ethan, you're a man now". Ethan has taken this very seriously, and the fishing trip served to reinforce this notion. On the way home he asked Harold, "So, I'm a man now?". The rest of the evening while the fish were being cleaned and fried he kept telling his poor little brothers, "You have to go inside, I'm only out here cause I'm helping". We're working on bringing his ego down a notch or two. Here he is with one of the many fish he caught that day.

One of the "men". Yes, Harold is barefoot. I guess he was feeling a little Redneck.


Kimberly said...

All cute!...but Dylan w/the cookie esp. adorable! I have some shots of him w/the sombrero I'll have to send ya. (Do "men" eat chocolate covered bugs?!....guess so...)

lauralavon said...

Happy belated birthday to Dylan... I love all the pictures of these last two posts. Congratualtions to Ethan for entering the world of manhood--deodorant and all! : )

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ethan! We in the blog world rejoice with you at this new milestone.

And Dylan, what a cutie! I love his hair so much.

Thanks for the happy post!

Beth From Bynum said...

Since I don't have boys, I love sharing the sagas of your little men. Wow, deodorant! I think you must exaggerate about the "terrible" part of two's! He looks like a little angel!!!

Thanks for sharing!