Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Dolls In My Past

Yesterday was a day of stunning revelation for me. We cleaned out what remained in our shed at our old house. This included the bassinet that all four boys slept in as infants and a box of my dolls from childhood. I very carefully set up the bassinet and decided to lay my dolls in it for safekeeping. Suddenly it struck me! My dolls were very decidedly male, or at least the ones that survived up to the present day. I made sure that my Mom was aware of this new information, since she was primarily responsible for my doll collection. I just have to wonder if this was some kind of foretelling of my future. The picture that you see here is of my two favorites. Does anyone else remember when every little girl had to have a Cabbage Patch doll or life just wasn't worth living. My parents did their Christmas shopping a little late that year so all that was left were boy Cabbage Patch dolls. His name was Xavier, at least that's what the box said. I named him Jaylen. The other dolls name is Joey. My Aunt Barbara gave him to me one year when she came to visit. My parents convinced me that I must take good care of him since he came from Belgium. I don't know if that is true or not, but he did survive quite well. There was also the doll that was supposed to be the same size as a one year old. He actually started off as a girl. The problem was that he/she had a long red ponytail that grew when you pulled a string on his/her back. We had lots of fun with her until the neighbor girl stuffed the ponytail into the hole it originated from. After that I just dressed him like a boy. Now the fact that the first doll I remember had red hair and was rather stocky must have some significance.
Now I must clarify that I did have some girl dolls, but I also had cousins. Since they are some of my fellow bloggers and can defend themselves, I will tell of the destruction that they heaped upon my dolls. First there was Kimberly, she never really played with her dolls much. They were used more for decoration and she always informed me that she didn't want them to get messed up. Well you should see what she did to the ankles of my Barbie Dolls by making them dance so wildly that their hair would swoosh around. I don't have a picture, but you can imagine how those poor rubber legs looked after being bent so violently in every direction. Next came Liz, whose Mom was working for a surgeon at the time. She took a black marker and made a nice little mid-line incision, complete with staples, down the belly of my little cloth doll. I have found it in my heart to forgive them, but now you understand why the only survivors are boys. The only conclusion that I can come to is that I was just made to nurture boys whether they be plastic and cloth or flesh and blood.
Note of Concern
Landon has taken quite an interest in the dolls that are now in our home. As you can imagine this is stressing Harold to immeasurable limits. His reaction when Landon tried to take the doll on a ride in the van was to be remembered. Last night Landon walked out of the guest room and informed us that he was "putting music on so the babies could sleep", I think Harold's eyes might still be rolling. Do you think that the fact that the dolls are boys makes any difference, or will I have to box them up and store them away again?


A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

How funny!! :):) I always remember Mom telling us that boys played with cars and girls played with dolls. Well, I soon found out that is not the truth.***sorry mom*** My daughter is 5 and she loves to play with guns and cars and hardly do you find her with her dolls. So no it is not weird for Landon to want to play with dolls. At least not right now. Tell Harold to wait until he is in his "tweens" and then he has a lot to roll his eyes about. Too cute.

Twila G. said...

What a funny post! I loved it! Tell Harold he has nothing to worry about. When Caleb was about 3, and I was still nursing Heidi, he had a boy doll he occasionally liked to play with. I made the mistake of letting him take it to church once, and about had a heart attack when I looked over and saw him with his shirt up "feeding" the baby! He had never done that at home. After I got over the initial shock, I couldn't help but laugh. My husband never did see the humor in the situation!

lauralavon said...

Oh, Kayla, I laughed until I cried! This is a good thing...your Landon doing a little nuturing. We need men that have at least a little of that in 'em. ; )

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think I had one of those red headed dolls with hair that "grew". I thought she was pretty cool. I enjoyed my dolls, but I also liked to experiment on them. One of my dolls had to wear an eye patch because I poked her eye in just to see what would happen.

Loved the post. As always, you made me smile!!

Tara said...

I very much enjoyed the trip down memory lane. Especially since I VIVIDLY remember two of my dolls that were identical to the ones in your picture. Yes, the one was named Joey (though I never knew anything about his being from Belgium; I had a sister of his named Natalie, though I pronounced it Laddy-a); and my other little guy also designed by Xavier Roberts, was named Delmer Augie. If I took I picture of my two, I doubt we could tell them apart from yours! That is so funny!

I think it's a very cool foretelling of the things that were to come in your life!:)

So happy you have a new post up!

Mary Ellen said...

Isn't it funny how we don't bat an eye if we see a girl playing with a bunch of boys...and playing something like war. But if we see a boy playing with a bunch of girls, especially if he is playing something like dolls or Barbies we immediately think, "Uh oh!" I thought your post was very funny. And I also laughed at Twila's story of her son "breast feeding" his boy doll in church.

About the same age as your son Bryce became fascinated with some of Kaitlyn's dolls everytime he was here. Being the good aunt that I am I bought him a boy doll...never got the feeling that Steve thought it was as good of an idea as Charlene and I did. "-)

Tell Harold - with four sons I'm pretty sure their masculinity is safe...and that this too shall (probably) pass. To him, it's a new toy...not a boy toy or a girl toy - just a toy....if that doesn't work - maybe try a valium...hee hee

Great blog!

Misty said...

The boy doll looks familiar, I think I had one named Ryan. The boys in our family all had dolls, my brother had a Cabbage Patch boy named Ronnie...I had better not post some of the stories of others that played dolls with me growing up, but they turned out okay :-)

Oh, and you are most welcome to hold Kara anytime!! :-)

Angela said...

That is soo funny, I actually have a Strawberry Shortcake nighty my mom saved from my growing up years. Funny how all that stuff comes back. But anyway, does it help if I tell you that my boys also like to play with them sometimes? Problem is they are usually sky diving, having car accidents, or some such terrifying act. Poor dolls!! It is good to see Landon being loving to them, shows that he is learning from his mother how to treat his babies. Will make a great father some day!

Kim M. said...

Hey I had that BOY cabbage patch doll too. I remember telling my mother it HAD to be a boy! There must be something "to" that. Mine's name was Aubrey, I think.
Great story!