Monday, October 27, 2008

Great Aunt Kayla

Around 9AM this morning I became a Great Aunt. I'm not saying that I have wonderful auntly attributes, I'm saying that my niece gave birth to her first child. We are so happy to welcome Evan Phillip into the little boy ranks of our family. He was 6lbs 11oz with lots of strawberry blond hair. I just love the way he sucks on his fingers, none of my babies did that.
I still think that Great Aunt Kayla sounds completely ridiculous, so I'm open to suggestions of other things he can call me. My great aunts all seemed very old to me, so it just doesn't seem right that I'm now a great aunt myself. You can say "I remember when Great Uncle Harold used to ............" and it sounds normal, but when you say Great Aunt Kayla it doesn't have the same effect. My name didn't become popular until I was in my twenties, therefore I share a name with many young teenagers. Does anyone remember the "Kayla" Barbie that came out a few years ago. I think she was Barbie's friend and was not the least bit great auntish. Oh well, for a little fellow this precious I can deal with anything. I think I made him sleepy.

Congratulations to Sean and Danielle. She's looking really good, in my opinion, for a woman who just gave birth.

Wouldn't you just love to squeeze him?

With his Grammy Carla.

I've always loved babies and have been a little depressed that my baby is now a toddler. Now I have my very own Great Nephew to hold when I need a baby fix.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Auntie Kayla! He is so cute! I'm sure when the time comes and he learns to talk, he'll come up with his own name for you and you'll think it's the sweetest thing. So, I wouldn't worry about it. Just enjoy spoiling him!

Kim M. said...

He is so precious! And yes, he has great-looking parents.

I agree with Joy that maybe he will come up with his own cute name for you.

The Dickinsons said...

He's so precious and tiny. Whatever he calls you I still think that you are a GREAT Aunt Kayla. =)

Enjoyed seeing you present the flowers to the pastor's wives yesterday at Pastor's appreciation. You looked pretty in your long skirt. =)

Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.

Misty said...

Congratulations to Sea & Danielle! He is a cutie :-)

We called all of our great-aunts just "Aunt _____" But you are a great auntie I am sure!

Kimberly said...

He is adorable!!
Now I expect you to start shouting alot! (that's what our great-aunts did as you know)(And it was a GOOD thing....heaven forbid I be misunderstood here!)In fact, some of that might have been in order as you made the flower presentations.....:)

Mary Ellen said...

Awww - what a cutie. I'm so glad you had some pictures. While you are wallowing around in a bit of self pity at being a great aunt I'll climb right down there with you for some wallowing of my own. HOW is it possible that my fellow classmate, someone the exact same age as me is now a GRANDMOTHER!?! AUGH!!! Okay, I feel better now having wallowed a bit. "-)

We had lots of great aunt and uncles we saw often and they were just "Aunt" and "Uncle" whomever. The only time we added the "great" title is if we were explaining to someone how they were related to us. We also had to call all of our parents first cousins (Pierpoints, Fays, etc.) aunt and uncle because my parents felt it was disrespectful for us to just call them by their first names as they were so much older than us. Now our kids do the same thing to any of our 1st cousins that are our ages. In our families the titles of aunt and uncle are used far and wide to say the least. "-)

The Canfield Family said...

Harold, do you remember when Danielle was born, I told you that you were an aunt now because the baby was a girl instead of a boy. Congratulations great-aunt Harold!

Tim said...

I want to know when Carla got old enough to be a grandma? Oh, yea, she's younger than me. OopS!

Liz said...

This makes me feel old too since I used to babysit her!! He is adorable!!! Tell them congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Great Aunt does seem a bit oldish for you. Good luck with that. =) I like Kimberly's idea though. Take up shouting.

kayla said...

Heather Don't you think I would have looked pretty in a short skirt. Okay, I agree the long looks much better.

Kimberly I considered shouting but wasn't coordinated enough to manage the flowers and the hankie at the same time.

Doug I'm so thankful that you didn't cause permanent gender confusion in my husband.

CrazieChrisa said...

Awww...I'm sooo happy for them!!! I can't wait to meet little Evan!!!

Anonymous said...

Awe so cute! I think Danielle is gonna be a great mom!